Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Story Assignment #1

Your assignment is to find an upcoming event, either on campus or in the local community, and write a preview of this event. The event could be a meeting, a speech, a major sporting event, etc. The story is due on Monday, February 9 at 3:30 p.m. sharp. Some general guidelines:

Sources – the story must be based on interviews with a minimum number of three human sources. Stories should reflect the sense that any issue has many sides; journalists do this by including sources whose positions, background, knowledge and interests indicate they will offer a variety of points of view, or competing interests. Public documents and reports may also be used as sources where appropriate, but these will not count against the “three-source minimum.” (Your parents, relatives, friends and classmates are NOT acceptable sources.)

Format – Story should be double-spaced with one-inch side margins and 12 pt type. (400-600 words, about 2 pages total). Stories should be printed on one side of the page. Each story should have a separate sheet of paper listing the name, telephone number, and email address for each person interviewed or quoted. These sources may be contacted at random. You may not quote another newspaper or newsmagazine or other media source. The use of non-existent sources or plagiarism will result in an automatic F for the assignment, and most likely, in the class.

Story Topic – You are responsible for coming up with a story idea or topic. For upcoming events, check the SIUE Weekly Calendar of Events, the Alestle, and local newspapers. Keep the elements of news in mind as you select your story. If you are not sure if your story topic is a good one, contact me by phone or email, or in class, and run it by me. Remember, the better your story idea, the better your story will be, and the easier it will be to write.

Lead, Accuracy, Content, Structure, Grammar & Style – these are the elements that will determine your grade. Major factual errors will result in an automatic loss of 5 points. Grammar, style, and punctuation errors will also cost you points.

Again, the key to this assignment, in my opinion, is coming up with the best story idea that you can. A good, interesting story is easier to put together than a dull, boring one. Find an upcoming event that people are interested in. Call or email me if you are not sure if your story idea will work. (692-1464 •

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